CERG | Customized Workforce, Nonprofit & Training Solutions
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What We Offer

  • Business Development Services
  • Accounting Solutions
  • Marketing Services
  • GSA Certifications
  • Incorporation/LLC
  • Business Certifications

About This Service

If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur, please take a few minutes to help us better understand the common challenges small businesses are facing and how we can better assist you. Send us a message or give us a call.

Our Call Center

What We Offer

  • 501c3 Setup
  • Corporate Sponsorships
  • Grant Writing and Research
  • Board Governances
  • Charity Registrations
  • Marketing Services

About This Service

We offer a full array of nonprofit marketing, development, and corporate social responsibility services from which to choose. Let us know what you want to accomplish and we’ll put together the perfect package just for you.

Our Call Center

What We Offer

  • Over 200 Workforce and Professional Development Training’s (In Person or Online)
  • Job Readiness & Life Skills Workshops
  • Full service Recruitment Services
  • Customized Training Development
  • Workforce Professional Development Training
  • Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Implementation

About This Service

Organizations want employees who are engaged with their mission, values and vision and who have the skills needed to improve performance. Updating employees’ skills and preparing them for career advancement not only provides a better trained and more productive work force. It also generates higher employee satisfaction and retention.

Our Call Center

What We Offer

  • Resume Packages
  • Specialty Resumes
  • Career Coaching Programs
  • Proactive Job Search
  • Making a Career Change
  • Mock Interview Prep

About This Service

We have an array of tools to assist those seeking jobs. We focus on preparing you before you seek to achieve the best results. Employers, we are excited to share our resources with you to find the best candidates.

Our Call Center


Years Of Experience in Strategy Planning

Explore Our Affiliates

We value above all our ability to serve our clients by constantly adapting program services so that client needs are effectively met in a constantly changing marketplace.




We are committed to the highest standards of ethics, honesty and mutual respect in our internal and external relationships.


Quality and Excellence

We strive for superior performance in our communications, standards, processes, leadership, planning, programming and execution.



We are committed to doing what we say will do so our various stakeholders are confident that Cutting Edge Resource Group is a trustworthy organization making an economic impact in our communities.

Why Choose Us

There are many variations of resource solutions organizations out there. Here’s how we set ourselves apart.

Niche expertise. We’re consulting specialists rather than generalists, focusing our strengths to do a highly effective job for a very specific group of clients.

Flexibility to serve you better. We employ a small core staff of senior-level consultants, and draw from our pool of subject matter experts when their expertise can help us serve you better. The result? A highly nimble, more efficient approach to giving you the services you need, when you need them.

Decades of collective experience. Our associates and subject matter experts have decades of experience in strengthening business, churches and nonprofit organizations.

Personal service from senior-level consultants. You appreciate it when deadlines are met, phone calls are returned and your challenges are given in-depth, out-of-the-box thinking. While a large firm may assign your business to junior-level people, we’re small enough to offer very personal service from senior-level consultants.

About the Company

Cutting Edge Resource Group is driven by its belief that expanding entrepreneurship is the most effective way to yield the greatest economic impact. Providing entrepreneurs, visionaries and individuals with the resources, skills, technical assistance, and capital to succeed is central to our philosophy. This philosophy is supported by a vision, a mission, to help us achieve that vision, and a set of core values that provide the focus for our organization and define how we approach everything that we do.

Mission Statement

Cutting Edge Resource Group’s mission is to be a home to entrepreneurs, visionaries and career professionals. We provide a support system of consulting, training and lending to help clients successfully strengthen, start and grow their businesses, nonprofits and careers.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to provide sustainable economic opportunities for anyone seeking to start a business, nonprofit or new career. We want to be a trusted part of every business owner’s life, every day, with something we have given them, taught them or inspired them to do.